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Value Creation At Different Management Levels (Published in Foresight Journal in November 2019)

Uncategorized Nov 08, 2019

Foresight is a top-rated scientific journal published by Emerald Publishing. In November 2019 it published Dr. Roeland van Straten's article on how to understand value creation. Two ideas are presented that are fundamental for a refined understanding of strategic decision making. 

IDEA 1: It is possible to present a framework that shows the logical, organisational and mathematical relationship between all key financial value related parameters ('how to understand value creation').

IDEA 2: It is most useful to reserve the term 'strategic' for thinking that reduces the uncertainty of incoming cash flows only. What relates to outgoing cash flows is fundamentally different, that's optimization.

What is presented in this article is more elaborately explained in The Strategy's 'Art of Sensemaking' course.

Article link:


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